more cuteness

browsing pinterest awhile back i came across this:

unbelievably cute, right?  i wanted to make one sooo badly.  good thing i have “nieces” right?  i scored at JoAnn Fabrics by going on Columbus Day – super good discounts.  fabric, thread and ribbon enough to make 4 dresses all for $12! 

i had to make it up as i went along… taking measurements of the girls and just guessing on a “pattern”. 

they turned out pretty darn good if you ask me!

last week nicole and i took the girls to disneyland so we could get a picture of them in their dresses in front of the big mickey pumpkin!

close up:

i also made one for bella, which went in the mail today.  can’t wait for becky to send me a picture! 

and just because you can never have too much cuteness…

(georgia’s face CRACKS ME UP!)


last weekend zach developed a bad case of pink eye.  i’ll spare you the 5-hour urgent care/ER saga in downtown hollywood.  ugh.  his eyes had been kinda red and itchy for about a week and it never occurred to either of us that he could have pink eye.  at least not until it flared up REALLY badly.  not exactly the best moment to realize you might have pink eye.  poor guy was in so much pain.  hurt to close his eyes, hurt to have them open.  and even at the end of the 5hour saga, the antibiotic drops and artificial tears did almost nothing to relieve the pain.  it was the icing on the cake to an already packed weekend. 

but!  one nice thing that came out of it, was that the Dr banned zach from working all week.  (ATCs kind of need their eyes to be fully functioning, you know)  the effects of antibiotic drops DID start showing by sunday evening and by monday, he was doing TONS better.  eyes were still red, but he could actually keep them open, focus on things, watch tv, be in a lit room, etc. 

so what do you do when you HAVE to take a whole week off work?  plan a little “stay-cation” of course!  funny sidenote: zach and i frequently have differing ideas of what to do with unexpected “free” time.  my first thought is usually, “sweet!  let’s go somewhere or plan something fun!” whereas zach’s first thought is usually more along the lines of “sweet!  we can chill at home and just relax!”  haha.  i think we’ve learned to strike a happy medium when it comes to weekends and days off, and this week definitely worked out great. every morning we slept in together and we only did 1 outing or activity each day. 

on tuesday zach spent the day getting all the details in order to pick up his new motorcycle!!  trips to the DMV, downtown LA and the AAA insurance building were most definitely worth it when he got to ride home on this baby:

you would have thought it was christmas, folks.  My Husband was giddy with excitement.  we’ve been talking about getting him a motorcycle for awhile now – primarily as a means of transportation that he can use to get to/from work, etc. but also a means that is fun for him and more cost-effective for us right now than a 2nd car.  the timing and finances were finally in the right place to move forward with it!  it sure does look good on him, doesn’t it?    (don’t worry, he also got a full helmet, gloves and kevlar jacket AND he is planning to take the CHP safety/drivers course for extra safety.)

wednesday we drove up the coast and spent a couple hours at malibu beach.  it was a surprisingly hot day for october, even in the shade, so we only lasted about 2 hours before heading home.  but still.  there is just something so relaxing and refreshing about sitting in the sand reading a book & drinking a cold drink while the waves roll in right in front of you.

thursday we went to The Getty art museum. 

we stayed long enough to walk through most of the main exhibits, seeing one of zach’s favorite paintings:

as well as one of mine:

eat our sack lunch, and stroll through the gardens:

friday we went to disneyland (shocker)! it’s been our goal every time we go to try and do/see/experience something that we’ve never done.  we have yet to run out of new things!  this time it was the Finding Nemo ride:

and the Mark Twain Steamboat ride around Tom Sawyer Island:

not EVERY thing we do has to be new.  star tours is a favorite for both of us – but now that it’s been newly renovated and re-opened, it has new “adventures”!  super fun. 

zach attended a men’s conference in orange county/huntington friday night & saturday, so i enjoyed a girls’ night at my in-laws watching one of my all-time favorite movies:

it was a busy week for sure, but we felt like we definitely were able to achieve a balance of relaxing and making fun memories together.