i’m in a quandary.  i have no idea what to do.  i need help.

what should i buy with a $10 itunes gift card?!

this morning a very wonderful thing happened. one of my favorite things, actually.

my ipod alarm went off. (no no, that’s not it. definitely not one of my favorite things.)

i snoozed for about 20 minutes then pulled myself out of bed. peeking out my door to see if mom was up (we were supposed to go to the gym), i saw that all the lights were still out. not a creature was stirring, not even a mom.

i thought to myself, “huh. odd. i wonder if she had a rough night and we’re not going to the gym after all…?”

then i took a couple steps to my right, leaned forward and parked my face about 3 inches from the digital clock in my room. one must do so when one is very very nearsighted and makes it a habit to not sleep with one’s contacts in.


i blinked and read it again.


wha-? my ipod usually starts filling my room with soft music, pulling me out of that lovely land of sleepville, where everything is warm and comfortable and one experiences a glimpse of perfect contentment and satisfaction; where all seems right and perfect in the world, where – oh, sorry. got a little caught up. where was i? oh yes. typically that unwelcome interruption to my blissful state occurs at 5:30am. and i KNOW that i set my alarm for 5:30am the night before. what in the world had happened?!

then it hit me. my ipod was still set to Mountain Standard Time from my trip to denver. in denver, it was 5:58am.

so where’s the wonderfulness in all of this? i’m sure most of you are failing to see even the slightest bit of anything positive or happy in this event that happened in the 4’s – when most sane humans are still dead to the world.

well, i’ll tell you. the wonderfulness happened when i realized that i now got to crawl back into my warm bed and sleep for another 45 minutes – guilt free!

and THAT is one of my favorite things.

::happy sigh::

i’m back! 

oh. right. i forgot to mention… i was in denver for the last 3 days.  sort of a “business trip” if you will.  i was administrating a retreat for the sr pastors and wives from SGM in the west. 

and i realized after i got there that i didn’t really tell many people that i was going!  haha – yeah, two phone calls from friends in phx saying “so – whatcha doin’?” to which i replied, “um, i’m at a stop light… in denver.”  i even forgot to let some of my friends up in denver know i was coming!  oops…  sorry all!  it was just a quick work trip so i didn’t really think much of the social/friends aspect…  anyway…

but the retreat was a blast.  i derive so much joy from seeing the pastors and wives be refreshed and get away for a time of specific teaching and ministry. 

but now i’m back! 

you know that part in “The Princess Bride” where Inigo is chasing the
Duke or whatever-his-name-is and he shouts, “fezzik!  he’s getting
away from me!”  i had that line dart through my head as i looked
up at the clock and saw that it was 3:00pm!!  i thought “my day!  it’s getting away from me!”  and you must read that with the accent of course, or the effect is completely lost.  ::wink::

and then i remembered that the day was never mine to begin with.   

saw the Illusionist over the weekend.  really liked it. 

my dad and i watched The Man From Snowy River last night.  classic
lambros family favorite.  such a great movie…   “there
are a dozen good brood mares in that mob.  i’ll be back for
them… and for whatever else is mine.” 

it never fails to crack me up how people will give you the most peeved
looks on the road.  like this morning…  when you pull out
of our cul-de-sac, the road to the left curves even further to the
left, making it a bit more difficult to see someone coming around the
bend.  there have been several times where i’ve started to pull
out and then quickly braked because a car was coming that i couldn’t
see until that second.  this morning the same thing
happened.  as i began to roll onto the street, a car came around
the corner so i stopped. 

(side note: it’s 12:34 – booyah!)

and as the lady in the car drove past, she stared me down with this look of utter annoyance.  like, “how dare you
almost pull out in front of me!  what were you thinking?!”  i
had to laugh.  people are so funny sometimes… 

three day weekends really are wonderful… guess what i discovered over the weekend? i can play the piano! ok, so maybe i should say i RE-discovered that i can play the piano. haha. yeah, i still sit down at our piano on occasion and play around with some of the music we have, but it’s literally been YEARS since i’ve pulled out my old repertoirre. until saturday. and i was shocked at how so much of it came rushing back! i played for a couple hours this weekend… it was glorious! i’d honestly forgotten how much i loved playing… eight years of lessons weren’t wasted, hallelujah, praise the Lord.

it’s here it’s here it’s heeeeeeere! i’ve been waiting to see this show since DECEMBER and it’s finally HERE!

I’m going to see WICKED tonight!

(xanga is doing something new with the blog post box and i can’t figure out how to do a picture… what is going on?! can anybody offer a clue?! i can’t get it to work…)

in other news… new profile pic, thanks to mike who decided to take a random pic on friday night. fun fun.

and this is hilarious…