this website cracks me up.

here are some of my favorites:

although i think these 2 are my favorites:


and guess what i just discovered?!  you can create your own calendar using 12 of these pictures!  i think i just found a new item for my christmas wishlist… 

“Let men tremble to win the hand of a woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!”

Nathaniel Hawthorne  The Scarlet Letter

just saw this movie.  it was great.  very entertaining!  i enjoyed it immensely. 

i want to take tap-dancing lessons now. 

happy thanksgiving!

“For what do you have that you did not receive?”  — 1 Corinthians 4:7

below is a most excellent quote on thankfulness by Charles Spurgeon (shamelessly borrowed from the GirlTalk blog).  and if you’re temtped to skim or skip it b/c it’s more than a few sentances – let me encourage you to resist that temptation!  i almost did the same thing, and i’m so glad i didn’t!

“The fear of a man who really knows the love and goodness of God, will
be somewhat of this kind: He will fear lest he should really be, or
should seem to be, ungrateful. ‘What’ he asks, ‘can I do? I am drowned
in mercy. It is not as though my ship were sailing in a sea of mercy; I
have been so loaded with the favour of the Lord that my vessel has gone
right down, and the ocean of God’s love and mercy has rolled right over
the masthead. What can I do O Lord? If thou had given me only a little
mercy, I might have done something, in return, to express my gratitude.
But oh! Thy great mercy in electing me, in redeeming me, in converting
me, and in preserving me, and in all the goodness of thy providence
toward me;–what can I do in return for all these favour? I feel struck
dumb; and I am afraid, lest I should have a dumb heart as well as a
dumb tongue; I fear lest I should grieve Thee by anything that looks
like ingratitude.”

i always feel so domestic when i’m rolling out pie crusts. 

dad and i watched Mission Impossible 3 on sunday night.  i’d never seen it.  i loved it. 

dad rented Mission Impossible 1 and 2 tonight.  (MI:3 is definitely the best)

i love spy movies.  probably a little too much.

random evidences of my nerdom…

this was what i did on Saturday.    fun times!  the scary thing is – i’m such a history lover and nerd, that i would totally want to participate in a reenactment sort of thing like that.  yeah…

i registered for Na today!  ok, i actually wasn’t planning to
demonstrate my nerdom in this fashion, but the “we’re giving away 5
free registrations every day for 5 days” got me…

i really want to see this movie.  nerdy?  not really.  but when i saw the title for the first time, my immediate thought was “they spelled ‘happiness’ incorrectly…”

you know you’re a redneck when…

… the big event at the block party (or in our case, the cul-de-sac-and-beyond party) is seeing how misshapen the Corona bottle will get after it’s been sitting in the fire pit for 1/2 hour. 

yeah.  ::chuckle::  we had another block party tonight and busted out the fire put in the middle of the cul-de-sac.  someone brought up the idea of putting their beer bottle in the fire and seeing how it did.  it was actually kinda cool, despite the semblance of redneck-ness. 

yes, SGC ppl, i ditched the evangelism BBQ for my own personal evangelism BBQ in my very front yard!  it was great!  our neighbors are definitely unsaved and it’s such a wonderful way to build relationships and connect with them in a relaxed environment.  one of our neighbors is writing a book on the meaning of life and why we’re here.  i spent a considerable amount of time drawing him out about it.  he has some interesting ideas.  he says he has reached a place where he intuitively knows what is right and wrong, and he has a lot of new age philosphies involving karma, and tapping into the group concious (conscience?), we’re all here to be creatures that further the energy of love and the balance of love and hate need to be restored to the universe, etc, etc.  he didn’t ask me what i thought or believed, and since this was the first time i’d really talked with him about it, i thought it best to just listen and ask questions.  but maybe we’ll be able to have more of a dialogue about it in the future!  if so, i’m just praying God will give me the words, b/c this guy really thinks he’s got it all figured out. 

another plane ticket!

look what i just bought:

Trip   Date   Day   Stops   Routing   Flight   Routing Details
  Depart   Jan 19 Fri N/S PHX-BWI 1913 Depart Phoenix (PHX) at 6:40 PM

Arrive in Baltimore (BWI) at 12:40 AM
  Return   Jan 22 Mon N/S BWI-PHX 2089 Depart Baltimore (BWI) at 5:30 PM

Arrive in Phoenix (PHX) at 8:50 PM

for this chica’s wedding!  woo-hoo!! 

the weekend is over.  it was a great conference!  really really wonderful.

and now, i have the day off!  woo-hoo!!

and like a good, disciplined girl, i got up early this morning and went to the gym.  aren’t you proud of me?  oh yeah, and then i came home and went back sleep for 2 more hours.  ok, so i took my nap early on in the day! 

and now, i’m off to spend time with my mom – shopping!