monday! monday!

this is my and Zach’s current favorite youtube video.

the original: “Friday” by Rebecca Black.  truly awful.    

horrendous, yes?  her voice is just atrocious. the kids can’t act.  they don’t even look old enough to drive!  and it’s pitiful how much attention is given to the front seat vs back seat dilemma.  really???  and a whole verse comprised of “yesterday was thursday / tomorrow is saturday.”  SERIOUSLY?!  and just when you thought the awfulness couldn’t get any worse, they throw in some famous(?) rapper to try and up the coolness.  can you say “desperate”?  unbelievable. 

and yet, without her terrible video, you wouldn’t have THIS gem of awesomeness: 

this had Zach and me both cracking up laughing.  and rather impressed! 
the video quality is better. 
the vocal quality is better. 
the content is actually more creative and substantial. 
(and they probably spent significantly less money making it!)
truly hilarious.

if this song was on itunes, i would buy it.  it’s already been stuck in my head for days!

props to these kids.  

“it’s Monday!  Monday!  i’m so glad it’s Monday!  5 super-fantastic days until the week-end!”

back to blogging!

as i’m sure you know from facebook, i haven’t fallen off the face of the earth or anything.  it’s just been a crazy last 4 weeks.  🙂 

we’re all moved in!  i’m so very grateful for everyone who helped us load and unload the moving truck – in the rain!  and for my mother in law and sisters in law who came and helped me unpack boxes when i was feeling super unmotivated.

there was a little saga getting our kitchen completed: had to buy a fridge on craigslist… got burned by the first seller… got a great fridge on the 2nd try… had to wait over a week for a stove… managed to store some groceries thanks to the kindness of some friends who lent us a mini fridge and bought us a cupboard/pantry.  it was honestly a rather stressful and difficult first week for me.  not having a functioning kitchen (no fridge, no stove, no microwave, no pantry) and therefore not having the ability to even grocery shop affected me far more than i initially realized. 

but now all of that is behind us and we are moving forward with more normal life.  i’ve got lots to blog about, including: posting a video of our apartment, my new apartment managing job, thoughts on the transition and adjustment (or lack thereof?), etc. etc.

in the meantime, here’s a few pictures of some fun i had this week.  ashley (my youngest sister in law), turned 13 last week so went on a shopping date on monday!

started out with a family hike monday morning (here’s a pic of me and the birthday girl):

then we went shopping in the afternoon and found some adorable shoes:

the brown ones were part of ashley’s birthday present (a dress was the other part) and the silver ones we dubbed “community property” and we are planning to share them amongst the sisters.  well, the ones that can fit in them…  ::coughexceptpaigecough::

and after shopping, ashley helped me make easter egg rice krispie treats:

nothing fancy, just something fun.  🙂

we had a splendid afternoon and i’m already looking forward to more sister-shopping times! happy birthday ashley!