why i am a rockstar

or, alternate title: “i’ve become a rock band player.” 

my husband and i have several interests and “likes” in common – many genres of tv shows and movies, dry/witty humor, pizza, sleeping in, road trips, reading, serving at church, kids, roller coasters, disneyland, starbucks…

and of course, we have several different interests – i like butter.  he likes margarine.  he likes liquor and mixed drinks.  i don’t very much.  i like small dogs.  he likes big dogs.  i like walking.  he’s not so into walking. 

we both like music.  buuut our musical tastes could not be farther apart.  actually that’s not entirely true.  there are some bands that we both really enjoy – coldplay, owl city, west coast revival (wink)…  i really enjoy broadway musicals, soundtracks, jazzy/folksy (jack johnson/colbie caillat/norah jones).  he likes rock, classic rock, and more alternative stuff.  and he’s listened to quite a variety and has a HUGE range of knowledge on all sorts of music.  pretty impressive, actually.

when it comes to more culturally “cool” music, i’m terribly UNcool.  (of course, there’s never really been any doubt that my husband is WAY “cooler” than i am!)  i’ve generally heard of bands like The Killers, and Oasis, and The Who, and Jimmy Eat World, and probably heard some random songs here and there while out at the mall or in stores or watching movies.  but i don’t really know the music.  ::shrug:: 

my husband also enjoys playing some video games on our PS3.  stuff like Modern Warfare 2 and Skate.  i do not.  i have tried.  and while i don’t like the shoot-’em-up games to begin with, the controller alone drives me batty and i’ve all but thrown it across the room in frustration. 

enter: Rock Band 2

i was first exposed to this game at a singles gathering maybe 2 1/2 years ago.  i watched a bunch of people play around on it, rotating on the instruments and laughing together as various people tried it for the first time or the five hundredth time.  it looked fun and i was particularly intrigued by the drumset.  but i didn’t have the guts to actually give it a shot.  fast forward a year and a half or so later and i find myself at a new year’s party in pasadena.  someone brought Rock Band and there was a group playing.  i was totally interested.  this time i just HAD to try the drums.  so i did.  and i liked it!  SO MUCH FUN!  

but that was all.  i knew that i liked it, but didn’t really have opportunity to play again.  that is, until this past december.  while visiting pasadena for new year’s, we were hanging out at Jenn & Mo’s (remember them from the disneyland trip a couple posts back?), and busted out the rock band set and started playing.  i jumped on the drums and was totally hooked.  what fun!  and of course, i began to then think about how zach and i could maybe use christmas or birthday money (or a combination of both) to get RB2 for ourselves.  turns out, i didn’t even need to – because Jenn and Mo surprised me and bought it for my birthday!  woo-hoo!

several of my friends who are married have set wonderful examples of finding ways of getting more into their husband’s world and developing an interest in things he enjoys.  like my friend Bethany who cultivated an interested in baseball – learning the game, the terms, some stats, even following her husbands favorite team and players.  or my cousin Becky who frequently finds ways to surprise and bless her husband with things he loves, even though she may not be all that “into” it – like going skydiving for his birthday (she watched from the ground), or sending him to disneyland with his son and his dad for father’s day weekend.  or my Mom who faithfully goes to nearly every one of the basketball games my dad coaches, sitting at the scoreboard table keeping the scorebook and intently watching the game. 

one of my favorite things about playing RB2 is that it is a combination of 2 things my husband enjoys – music and video games – and it’s something i can engage and enjoy WITH him.  it’s a great avenue into a part of who Zach is that i can enjoy too! not to mention the exposure to plenty of music i wouldn’t otherwise know about.  i definitely feel a lot more rounded…

Oh, so our [rock]”band” is called “Parking For Dutch,” after the sign we bought on our honeymoon that currently hangs in our hallway:

 and our hit single (translate: one of our favorite songs to play) is “That’s What You Get” by Paramore.  🙂  i’m totally citing that like i’m some knowledgeable Paramore fan or something, even though i had never heard of them until a couple weeks ago.  ha!  i’m such a poser…

so yes.  RB2 is zach’s and my new favorite hobby/past time.  and it’s my new favorite way to pursue my husband by taking an interest and engaging in a part of his world. 

(disclaimer – i’m not necessarily recommending this game across the board for all people, and especially not necessarily for families.  many rock songs don’t have clean lyrics.  zach and i just stay away from those songs – they’re not even fun to play anyway.  and sometimes the computer generated band member “fill-ins” are dressed very scandalously.  no bueno.  so yeah, there are definitely negative elements of the “rock” culture and each person needs to discern what they are ok with.  so please don’t take this as an endorsement of the game in general.) 


after returning from spending new year’s weekend in pasadena, zach and i came home for four days and then headed BACK out to california for a surprise disneyland trip!  well, it was a surprise for our friend jenn, who’s birthday is the 6th.  with my birthday being on the 12th, we thought we would surprise jenn by showing up and do a joint celebration at disneyland over the weekend since we had been given a gift card that would cover the cost of the park tickets.  woo-hoo!!  we had a blast! 

i just love disneyland.  it’s so huge and fun and happy.  there’s always something fun to do or see or explore.  i totally become a little kid in that place.  walking around with a grin on my face… gasping and staring wide-eyed at the fireworks, and laughing my head off on the rides.  i seriously can’t wait until we live in california and can get annual passes.  🙂

anyway – on to pictures!

pulling in:

at the entrance:

we went to california adventure first… see all the big letters?

A is for… Andrea!

we went back later and took one with zach.  an “N” turned side ways is basically a “Z”…  🙂

meet our friends Jenn and Mo (we’re in line for Toy Story):

the Toy Story ride is one of our favorites.  you sit in this car with a cannon and go through playing 3D digital versions of carnival games (ring toss, breaking plates, popping balloons) by shooting your cannon at the things on the screen.  so fun!

gotta love those 3D glasses…

in line for the mickey mouse ferris wheel:

California Screamin’ roller coaster:

Hollywood Tower of Terror – totally one of my favorites!  (Mo’s trying to steal the show):

the mickey mouse ferris wheel was so bright and pretty at night… over the water…

we spent most of Friday at California Adventure.  on Saturday zach and I went back and just did disneyland (yay for park-hopper tickets!).  we pretended that Saturday was my birthday, so i got to wear a crown all day. 

now, you have to understand, it was a big deal for me to wear this crown.  for as long as i can remember, i have balked at the concept of being a “Princess.”  mostly because, in my mind, “Princess” conjured up only ideas of being bratty, insisting on your way, obsessed with the way you look, etc.  pretty much the last thing i wanted to be associated with.  so it took some time before i was able to accept zach’s definition of “Princess” (believe me, a much different one than what i had) and to enjoy being called that.  so yeah.  princess crown = big deal.  please take note.  thank you.


my husband very sweetly humored me and went on the carousel

zach makes me laugh quite a bit.  and one thing that just cracks me up about him is his boyish side that comes out some pretty funny ways.  there is an airplane-themed gift shop in California Adventure… where he found these:

oh yes. and be bought them.  my husband, the aviator:

so we have The Aviator and The Princess.  what a match we are. 

oh and did i mention that he wore the cap and goggles on the drive home?  i’m not even joking.  it was hilarious.

we had a blast hanging with Jenn and Mo, celebrating birthdays at disney, getting mickey bars (YUM!), walking around holding hands, riding the rides, smiling a lot, and enjoying a wonderful weekend! 

best of 2009

ah yes.  the new year.  that time when one looks back on the previous years and all the memories, events, lessons, moments.  and bloggers everywhere post favorite pictures, moments, blog posts, quotes, songs, etc. 

well i am here to present MY “best of 2009” post.  buuuut this one is rather unconventional.  here are my favorite Get Fuzzy comic strips from 2009. 

yes, you read that right.

these are the few comic strips from the page-a-day Get Fuzzy calendar that sat on my desk at work last year.  when one struck me as particularly funny, i saved it.  the end result?  see below and enjoy!  🙂

(a more serious 2009/2010 post may or may not follow shortly)