Okay, how come Holly could put up currently watching: cheaper by the dozen, with a picture and everything, and I couldn’t put up Peter Pan????  Grrr.  Okay, fine, I’ll have to do it the *other* way..

recently watched: Peter Pan (2003)

oh my gosh.  saw this movie the day after Christmas with some friends.  it was FABULOUS!  i loved every minute of it.  i’ve been waiting for this film to come out for 5 months and now that i’ve seen it, i’m not a bit disappointed!  ::sigh::  ::another sigh::  i can’t wait to see it again.  it was so wonderful…

too much to write about the holidays.  not enough time.  leaving for New Attitude 2004 on Thursday….  can’t wait!! 

hopefull i’ll write more after i get back…

love to all!

currently listening to:  adventures in odyssey: back to bethlehem, parts I,II,&III

classic episodes… 

anyone else out there grow up on Adventures in Odyssey? 

okay, i just have to say, i am so stinkin’ stoked about this movie!!  then again, as most of you probably already know, i love pretty much any pirate movie – but this one has been one of my favorites since i was little.  i’m so excited!!!

http://www.peterpanmovie.net   woo-hoo!!

well, i held up pretty good all day yesterday.  around 2:00/2:30pm was when i started getting a bit drowsy.  i started wondering what i was going to do to stay awake for the rest of the afternoon, since i was seriously beginning to crave a nap!  but then i got busy and was busy right up until i went home at 5.  and i stayed awake at the caregroup party until about half-way through the white elephant gift exchange.  as entertaining as it was, we had quite a large group (i believe 35 was the total number of people), so it took quite awhile.  my mom wasn’t feeling well, so my parents left early and i decided to go with them so i could go home and sleep.  aaaahhhh.  it felt so good!

i’m going to have lunch with luz and paz and ben applewhite today!!  i guess the place is My Big Fat Greek Restaurant.  never been there.  i don’t even know if i like greek food.  i should, seeing as i AM partially greek in my ethnic background, but…  we’ll see…   

need to finish christmas shopping.  just a couple more gifts left to get….

well, i went and saw Return of the King last night!  i thought it was good, overall.  there were some deviations from the book (of course), only a couple of which was i somewhat disappointed in.  but i’m not a LOTR freak like *some* people ::cough cough::, so it wasn’t THAT upsetting to me.  the night in general was a lot of fun.  i got home from work shortly after 5pm, jumped in the shower, made myself some dinner, then went to bed.  i slept until about 8pm, then got up, got ready and left for the theatre.  we had a crowd that had been holding our place in line since the morning, so…  and i use the fact that i bought all the tickets in advance as my excuse to arrive at the theatre later and not have to stand in line for forever!    distributing all the tickets and collecting all the money actually went very smoothly!  my brother and ryan (jones) helped me and we made great time.  all the tickets were claimed and paid for and i didn’t have to eat a single one.  well, at least i don’t think i did.  i haven’t actually counted up all the money i received yet (will do that when i go home for lunch), but i’m pretty sure it all worked out great. 

as far as the actual movie goes, it was very intense and violent.  i think that the only reasons it wasn’t rated R is because it wasn’t actually as visually gory as it could have been (it was definitely conceptually gory), and they were wanting to appeal to a certain audience, so they had to go with the PG-13 rating.  it was pretty violent.  but it was true to the book in many areas and i was generally pleased.  but i’m not too easily displeased…  bethany and i sat together, as we always do for these films, and  – again, as always – clung tightly to each other’s hands, knees, shoulders, whatever we could most quickly latch onto during all the intense parts.  the parts with sam and frodo were really suspenseful.  i didn’t like watching those as much…

anyway, got to bed around 4pm.  got to sleep around 4:30.  it was really wierd.  just as i was drifing off to sleep, i heard my dad start getting up.  like, getting up for the day, getting up!  now, he usually doesn’t get up at 4:30, but on wednesdays he meets with his bible study/accountability partner, so he has to get up earlier.  it was just wierd to realize that as i was just getting to bed, my dad was just getting out of bed.  crazy.

and now, i’m actually not nearly as tired as i thought i would be.  i’m actually doing quite well.  and i’m not even drinking any starbucks!  we’ll see how long it lasts, though.  by this afternoon/evening that could change!  i think my “nap” before the movie really helped.   

looking forward to our caregroup christmas party tonight!  i’m bringing orange scones…  mmmm!  it should be interesting b/c literally at least 1/2 of our caregroup was at the movie last night….  haha! 

teeth for thought
i just got back from the dentist.  tried a new one.  had some random thoughts:

the dental hygenist who cleaned my teeth reminded me of thomas (darkness_into_light).  similar complexion, coloring, build, etc…

studying my x-rays made me think of Pirates ’cause it looks like you’re staring at a skeleton’s mouth!  seriously!  then again, it doesn’t take much to make me think of Pirates…. 

apparently i have a small mouth.  at least where taking x-rays are concerned.  had some trouble fitting the brace thingy inside my mouth for me to bite down on.  the [other] dental hygenist was like, “you’ve got such a little mouth!”  ha!  coulda fooled me….

they had disney princess toothbrushes!  i want one!  they gave me a regular oral B….  ::sigh::  no fun at all.  “zero fun sir!” 

they all seemed impressed/surprised that i had great teeth.  like, no cavaties or problems or anything.  they were like, “wow.  good job!”  i was thinking, “what?  is it unusual to have patients who come in for their regular cleaning and check up and don’t have any problems?”  must be…  and i don’t even floss or anything! 


christmas and easter
Yesterday my pastor said, “Celebrate Christmas in light of Easter.”  so true!  Easter makes Christmas worth celebrating!  Praise God for Christmas, but praise Him more for Easter.  If Easter didn’t exist, Christmas would be so empty.  There is mystery and wonder at Christmas, but there is salvation at Easter that makes Christmas more wondrous. 

went Christmas shopping yesterday afternoon.  was massively successful.  funny, i actually forgot that i had to go buy gifts until last week.  i had figured out what i was getting each of my family members, but somehow forgot that i still had to go get them all!  i can be such a ditz sometimes…. 

had my first manicure on saturday.  i’m 1 month away from turning 21 and i’ve never had a manicure.  should i be concerned?  naaah….  it looks very nice, if i may say so myself.  it is a french manicure (meaning, the tips are white), on my natural nails (i don’t do fake nails, no siree), with a tiny snowflake sticker on the corner of my thumbnails.  okay, call me girly, but i’m so excited!  except, i chipped the paint on my right index finger and had to “touch [it] up” this morning.  doesn’t look that great, but oh well.  it’s not that noticeable. 

Return of the King opens Tuesday night and i’m just going to die.  the film is supposed to be 3 and 1/2 hours long, and i have to work from 8-5 the next day!  then go to our caregroup party the following night (wed)!  i’m gonna die…  i can’t believe i’m doing this.  but, it’s crazy and fun and i’m young and it’s tradition, so….  i’ll grit my teeth and press thru! 

merry christmas everyone – and happy easter! 

currently eating: an orange, peach yogurt, Special K with strawberries (dry)

“o christmas tree”
we decorated our tree last night.  that’s one of my favorite times of the season.  my mom and dad and brother ryan and i….  laughing and talking and putting ornaments on the tree.  reminicsing (sp?) and telling stories.  drinking hot chocolate or some other sweet drink.  (last night my dad and i drank an entire 1/2 gallon of eggnog between the 2 of us!)  then we watch A Charlie Brown Christmas, and i always crack up at Snoopy’s imitation of Lucy, and when he dances on Schroeder’s piano…  and some of Lucy’s lines…. “you DO think i’m beautiful, don’t you?…  you didn’t answer me right away!  you had to think about it first!  if you had really thought i was beautiful, you would have spoken right up!  i know when i’ve been insulted!  i know when i’ve been insulted!”   

and of course, nothing – BUT NOTHING – beats the smell of the tree in the living room.  ::breathes in deeply::  a fresh douglas fir.  what wonderfulness! 

“the christmas party hop”
tonight is our college group’s Christmas party!  i’m so excited!  i haven’t made it to college group the last 2 months, and i’m hurting for it!  we’re doing a progressive dinner and the best part is – our mode of transportation from one place to the next is a trolley!!!!  i went out an bought a scarf to wear around my neck ’cause it’s going to be cold tonight!  the high today is only supposed to be 57 degrees!  brrrr!  “i’m dreaming of a white christmas….”  yeah, i know, i live in arizona – dream on…. 

christmas all day long
today our office staff is going to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory for sort of a “office” Christmas party!

tonight we’re decorating our Christmas tree!    one of my most favoritest times of the season!

and hopefully my mom will decorate the house today.  that’d be wonderful! 

last night we went over to our pastor’s house for dinner and then took family pictures in front of their tree.  it was quite hilarious.  we took a couple with “strangers” in them.  like, the Richardson family with my brother peeking out from behind Pastor Trey.  or, my family with Courtney behind us waving.  we laughed so hard….