i have become a runner

most of you probably do not realize the massive significance of this blog title.  for as long as i can remember, i have hated running.  HATED. RUNNING.  i even hated soccer because of all the running.  interestingly enough, it’s not that i found running boring or repetitive or something and that’s why i hated it.  nope.  i just found it to be a really unpleasant means of exercise, particularly on my lungs.  my lungs would always give out before my legs would, which i also found frustrating.

until now.

ladies and gentlem- um, who am i kidding? guys don’t read this blog.  ladies, i have become a runner. 

but this did not happen overnight.  oh no.  this has been a slow progression of 5+ months.  and actually, it started nearly a year ago…

shortly after we moved to pasadena (end of march last year, so… 11 months ago?), i came to the startling realization that i weighed more than i had ever weighed in my life.  not drastically more.  but still… more.  not that this should have been shocking.  i spent 8 weeks in oklahoma baking & eating, sitting & sewing, sitting & reading, sitting & crafting, and sitting & watching netflix.  ok i did hit up the little church gym across the street a handful of times and that was decent, but not enough to overcome all the eating and sitting i was still doing.    despite my husband’s assurances that he still found me attractive and beautiful, i was further from a healthy weight than i was comfortable with.  i could see it and feel it. i felt a little too soft and squishy all over.  i had less energy.  i found myself more easily winded.  plus, i’m less than a year away from turning 30 and also, Lord willing, entering child-bearing years.  my body needs a running head start and all the help it can get to become and stay healthy!

first step – eat better (and less).  my cousin told me about the MyFitnessPal app – an iphone app for counting calories (also has a free website if you don’t have an iphone).

i downloaded it and got to work.  it’s a GREAT app!  i personally counted calories in a strictly natural way.  meaning i didn’t drink diet soda or sugar-free lattes simply because they were a lower/no-calorie version of what i wanted/liked.  my overall goal was to slowly healthify my lifestyle with foods closer to their natural state.  so if i wanted something with sugar in it, then i got something with sugar in it.  i just had to sacrifice in other areas or work out more in order to “afford” it.  unfortunately, since i wasn’t crazy overweight or anything (again – only looking to trim off 15lbs), my daily calorie limits were just under 1300.  yikes!  talk about motivation to exercise!  since my focus at the beginning was on the food end of things, i pretty much only exercised enough to enable me to eat what i wanted, haha.  hiking and walking were my main choices of burning calories.  i also have this Jillian Michaels DVD (not going for a six-pack by any means – it just has some great core and cardio workout) that i did once a week or so. 

and i saw change!  it was really exciting!  the first 5 weeks – 5lbs came off!  the 2nd 5 weeks – another 5lbs came off!  it was crazy encouraging!  i could see and feel the difference all over.  pretty much all of my jeans became baggy and practically unwearable.  i literally had to buy a handful of new clothes. 

and then i plateaued.  5 more weeks with no change on the scale.  hmmm.  “well, i’ll give it 5 more weeks and see what happens.”  5 more weeks went by and the scale didn’t move.  i was bummed, but decided to be ok with losing 10lbs.  i mean, it still put me back at a much healthier weight – just not quite the ideal goal i had hoped for. 

after thinking about that particular disappointment, i decided to shift my direct focus off of food and onto exercise.  away from the weight-loss and onto building strength.  this is where the running comes in. 

the fact is: running is free.  and it’s good cardio.  plain and simple – those were my reasons for doing it.  well, that and living in SoCal you can actually run – outside – year round and not die. 

so i started jogging.  aaaand pretty much hated it.  but it needed to be done.  so i kept at it.  my goal was twice a week.  and i stuck with it pretty well!  for me personally, i am my own best motivator.  once the need has cultivated the appropriate level of desire, the motivation is there for me. i downloaded the RunKeeper app, made a playlist and went on my first run.

even though i still gasped for air the whole way and could barely make it 1 mile, i kept at it.  for 4 months.  and then… something clicked.  i have no idea what happened but it was like my body turned a corner and suddenly the “hate relationship” i had with running became “LOVE-hate” (i still would rather sit on the couch than read, i mean c’mon).  my body started to crave it.  i started to experience that “hitting your stride” thing that runners talk about.  my legs give out before my lungs do – which has NEVER happened before.

oh and you know what else?  those last 5lbs melted right off.  (duh.  you can only lose so much JUST eating healthy.  you gotta move!)

i can’t even explain it.  it just happened.  now, i actually look forward to running.  i regularly run 3 miles.  sometimes 6 total if i run down to Nicole’s house, hang with her for a couple hours and then run home (maybe once a month).  and i’m actually – nobody freak out – looking into finding a 5K race to run as a goal to work up to over the next several months.  whaaaat?  who AM i????  ok ok, i know that running 3 miles and working up to a 5K isn’t all that impressive compared to real runners.  but it’s huge for me.

this is huge for me:

so yeah.  i have officially become a runner.  in the words of Flynn Ryder, “who knew, right?!”

valentine’s day

this year was our 4th valentine’s day together.  thus far, each valentine’s day has been in a very different season.  our first came 6 weeks prior to getting engaged.  #2 was our first valentine’s married.  #3 took place while in oklahoma.  #4 finds us now in california!

my sweet husband had a delightful plan in mind.  spend the morning at griffith observatory and then drive up the coast to the malibu getty villa.  pretty fantastic, right?  one small problem.  both of those places are closed on tuesdays.  every tuesday.  huuhhh?  yeah.  zach was so bummed.  thankfully he did his research and discovered this before tuesday arrived.  so we needed a new plan.  how about mt wilson observatory?  closed on tuesdays.  huntington gardens?  also closed on tuesdays.  what is WITH everything being closed on tuesdays??  

eventually we created a plan B – huntington beach! i love the HB area.  and we discovered there is a library and a “central park” in the area.  so after sleeping in until nearly 10:30am and then a quick stop at trader joe’s for some picnic goodies, we hit the road. 

the sky could be blue / could be gray / without you i just slide away
the sky could be blue / i don’t mind / without you it’s a waste of time

i love driving along next to my Love…

our first stop was Spark Woodfire Grill.  it is a 2nd story restaurant with a wonderful view of the beach.  we made a reservation for 9pm (it was kind of all they had available).

our picnic:

our view 🙂

lying in the sun…

sporting the new sunglasses that zach bought me.  i’ll admit, they aren’t my normal style, but zach thought they were really cute.  and when my husband thinks something is cute and is offering to buy me accessories, i don’t say no. 

despite the lovely sun, it got chilly rather quickly, so we finished our picnic and went inside the library where we proceeded to sit and read for nearly 2 hours. 

i’m currently enjoying Northanger Abbey…

zach blowing through a vince flynn novel…

the library was having a used book sale, where we found these treasures:

between our iphones, computers and love of netflix and hulu, we both tend to be very “digitally” oriented. so it felt very refreshing to sit somewhere and read a good book for hours on end.  although after a couple of hours, i needed a change of scenery and a snack.  so we drove down the street to starbucks and continued reading.  that is, until the power went out.  random?  apparently the power went down on the whole block.  we figured we should head toward the restaurant and check out the power situation there.  

um yeah.  power out at the restaurant too.  ha!  at this point is was pushing 8pm and we were starting to get hungry.  and the hungrier i get, the more i want food that is familiar (translate: guaranteed to be yummy).  so we drove back to pasadena and had dinner at outback steakhouse.

poor zach.  he felt like the whole day was second rate and a string of thwartings and errors.  he’s the type of person who feels that if the plan doesn’t happen, it’s all lame.  lucky for him, he married a girl who was happy enough knowing that her husband had taken the time to come up with a fun plan ahead of time.  and it was through no fault of his own that the plan didn’t work out.  apparently tuesdays are just “closed” day for half the cool stuff in LA?  i assured him that the day was still quite wonderful.  i got to spend a whole day with my beloved husband relaxing, having a sweet picnic, reading and i even got a steak dinner out of the deal!  i thought it was a very nice valentine’s day!

january’s reading

in my previous post i mentioned that one of my goals for this year was to read more. 

specifically 1 “fun/fiction” book and 1 “growth/non-fiction” book. 

so here’s what i read in january:

fiction – Soon Be Free by Lois Ruby

i actually picked this book up on a whim at a random going-out-of-business sale.  historical fiction is my favorite genre and i read several books like this (civil war / mid-1800s era) in jr high and high school.  despite being juvenile fiction, it piqued my curiosity and was only $2 so why not?  it was… mediocre.  nothing impressive.  the historical story was pretty average, but then had this bizarre twist at the end where, at the climax of the story, in order to secure the freedom of the runaway slaves the young boy was helping, he traded a native american’s right to US land.  um, ok?  not what i was expecting, especially as the climax and the “secret” behind the whole story.  nothing against native americans, and i know there has always been controversy surrounding their rights to various parts of US land, but this came out of nowhere.  nothing along those lines was mentioned in the story until the very end.  whatever.  read it randomly for fun.  ::shrug::

nonfiction: God Promises You by C.H. Spurgeon

i received this book as a gift several years back but never read it.  my church is currently going through a series in Genesis.  my pastor made a statement about how living by faith is understanding the promises of God and living in light of them (as opposed to living based on what we see/feel).  i thought that this book would complement what i was hearing on Sunday mornings.

confession: i slacked big time when it came to reading this and actually ended up reading the entire 2nd half of the book in the last 5 days of january.  haha!  i almost blew it off, but then had a rush of resolve and decided to plow through and make it happen.  i didn’t want to blow it the very first month!

but i digress.  this book started out very different than what i expected.  actually the whole book wasn’t what i thought it would be.  but, like all things Spurgeon, it was still so very good.  took several chapters before i really got in to it.  but it was encouraging and provoking.  and convicting.  definitely realized how timid i can be spiritually to REALLY believe what God says He promises, and to pray boldly and believe strongly that He WILL carry them out! 

until next time…

2012 Goals for Growth (Resolutions)

this is actually the first year that i can remember making “official” resolutions. i was never into them before.  but for some reason, this year i got all excited about actually formulating some goals for growth in 2012.  it might have had something to do with having a 6 hour car ride back to pasadena during which Zach and I had some great conversations about hopes, dreams, ideas and goals for 2012. 

so here are my 2012 resolutions:

* incorporate journaling back into my morning devotions.  i’m not necessarily one of those people who processes things by writing them down.  actually, i’m decidedly NOT one of those people.  i need to talk it out (which is partly why it’s not uncommon to see me “talking to myself,” but i digress…).  despite this, i have found that jotting down a few thoughts on what i read in my bible each morning helps it “stick.”  stick in my memory and stick in my heart.  i think it’s that whole “2 means of absorption = greater retention” thing.  it’s definitely true for me.  and i have slacked in this area.  and i have felt the effects.  so as part of my desire to grow more through my personal devotions, i am picking up a journal again.  how convenient that my cousin gave me a really cute one for christmas!

* listen to a sermon each week.  you know how you can be reading a book, “read” 3 full paragraphs and suddenly realize that you have no idea what you just read because your mind was somewhere else?  that’s how i am with listening to sermons while driving.  or cleaning. or doing just about anything.  i’m a royal multitasker and my brain is always going.  so listening to – and benefiting from – sermons has to be more of a disciplined activity for me.  current plan: go on a nice long walk on thursday mornings while listening to a sermon.  i’m currently enjoying this series on the life of Joseph by Sinclair Ferguson (starts on 9/3/11 and goes through 12/24/11).

* read 1 “fun” (translate: fiction) book AND 1 “growth” (translate: spiritual or nonfiction) book per month.  for some of you, making “reading” a resolution may seem silly.  and for those of you who know me, it might seem even more silly.  i was an AVID reader growing up.  but i have become a crazy, task-driven, multitasking, can’t-sit-still, my-husband-is-proud-when-i-take-a-day-OFF kind of adult who hasn’t made much time for reading lately.  and that makes me sad.  plus, i also want to grow through my reading – not just reading fun, brain-candy type stuff.  hence the addition of a personal growth book.

* blog more!  my goal is once/week.  i really enjoy blogging.  possibly even more so now that i live in another state than all of my family and many of my friends.  so it’s a fun way for me to share snippets of my life.  and i just like it.  🙂

* pray + send cards.  this is one i’m particularly excited about.  as i was putting away all the christmas decorations, i found myself staring at the pile of christmas cards we’d received and a bit reluctant to just throw them away.  and then – i had an apostrophe (name that movie!) which morphed into this resolution.  every monday i randomly select a christmas card picture from the pile and stick it on the fridge.  then throughout the week, zach and i pray for that particular couple/family.  i’m also combining it with another desire of mine: to mail out more handwritten cards to friends.  i LOVE getting a random, handwritten card in the mail from a friend.  don’t you??  so also on mondays, once i’ve put the card/picture on the fridge, i sit down and write a card to that couple/family letting them know that we are praying for them that week.  (actually, i have to confess – this idea isn’t all my own.  my parents did something similar with my brother and i growing up.  we would select a card from the basket each evening and pray for that family before bed. so thanks for the awesome idea, mom & dad! i’m excited to carry it on!) 

hmmm as i read back over these i’m seeing a common thread: s-l-o-w-i-n-g  d-o-w-n.  ha!  this wasn’t an intentional theme, although i have been telling zach lately that i need/want to slow down.  the last 2 months have been more busy than i think was best for me/us.  and i’m ready to be done with that. 

and just for the record, even though this post is coming at the beginning of february, i did begin working on these in january. 

zach and i also talked about how we want to grow together, in our relationship, more intentionally this year.  the first 18 months of our marriage were a little whirlwind and even since getting to pasadena, it’s been a mini whirlwind with getting settled, apartment managing and zach’s new job. 

this year zach has a fantastic new schedule – four 10-hr days of work (Wed-Sat) followed by 3 days off (Sun-Tues)!  we have designated tuesdays as “our” day to sleep in, do fun things together, usually followed by a date night.    and since we live in such a cool place (LA County), we made a list of things in the Pasadena/LA area that we want to try and do this year.  which has me especially excited because upon moving here, i resolved to not be *that* person who lives in a place surrounded by really cool stuff but never sees/does any of it.

Our 2012 LA List  🙂

(and we’re also hoping that God will add a jr boomsma to our family in 2012.  we’re praying and would love for you to pray with/for us too!)

here’s to 2012!