my family went and saw “Timeline” last night.  it was really good!!!  i would definitely recommend seeing it.  it was cool b/c even though i figured out how it was going to end less than halfway thru, i had no idea how they were going to get there.  and when things started appearing like they were going to work out, another obstacle showed up.  i really liked it.  but i also really like time travel and midievel times, so…     then Ryan (my bro) and i went and did some “mischief” (also known as TPing and saran-wrapping).  ::sly smile with sideways glance::  and i must say, we did a nice job.  i love doing that with my brother – he’s good!  he taught me how to throw the TP roll into the trees and make it drape.  and does he know how to saran wrap a car!  haha!  it was fun! 

will post more later…  i’m at my grammy’s house…  we’re going to eat in about an hour or so. 

happy thanksgiving everybody!

i didn’t know i liked switchfoot so much.  there were several songs that i like and i just recently found out that switchfoot sings them all.  ::shakes head::  silly me.  and then i found out my brother has this CD!  so he made me a copy…  i really like it!  they have such a unique sound.

currently eating: cottage cheese, dry chex cereal, green apple, chai tea

hooray for a 4-day weekend!!!  i’m so stinkin’ stoked for this weekend.  first, i get to eat turkey and stuffing and potatos and pie and cranberry sauce and hang with my family tomorrow!  then friday, i’m going to make christmas cards!  friday night i’m going to help some friends move, then they (mike and cyndi) and raigan and i are going to see pirates at the discount theatre one last time before it is released on DVD.  #7 baby!  raigan’s going to spend the night friday night and then saturday morning janelle is coming over and we’re going to make delux caramel apples rolled in peanuts, or crushed snickers, or crushed butterfinger!  yum!  sunday after church raigan and i are going to a bday party for a little girl we both bbsit for who is turning 5.  cuteness! 

happy thanksgiving!
i have so much to be thankful for.  and just listing them isn’t enough.  how do you explain how thankful you are?  thankful for family…  means the long talks with mom while we run errands… the wisdom of my father so sovereignly tailored for my and my brother… listening to my brother teach himself to play the guitar in the family room… laughing until tears run down our cheeks and we can’t breathe at the dinner table during family night b/c my dad was trying to tell us a story and i just didn’t understand him…

thankful for friends…  bethany, who i can say and be anything in front of, all the time…  who has so much insight and perspective that is so different than mine, and so valuable.  raigan, who is way too much like me it’s hilarious…who is an example of continually serving others…who has a maturity far beyond her years that provokes and inspires me.  janelle, whose willingness to open up and share her heart and speak the truth encourages and inspires me.  friends who are always there.  who love me enough to speak truth into my life and not tolerate deviance from the path.  who love me enough to pursue me in friendship.  i don’t know why.  i am humbled by them.  and i thank God for them.

thankful for my savior…  how does one put this into words?  he has ransomed me.  he has saved me.  he has redeemed me and called me by name.  he died for me.  he is molding me, he is growing me, he is teaching me, he is sanctifying me.  he loves me, he blesses me, he gives me mercy and love and kindness and family and friends.  he pursued me.  not because i was worth pursuing, but because he is love. 

with all my heart and soul and strength
in every word and thought and deed
i live for him who died for me
to please the audience of One

how can i not pledge all my love
in light of all that He has done?
there is one glory that i seek
to please the audience of One


watched this movie last night.  i hadn’t seen it since staff training back in june!  can you believe that?  dory will always make me think of courtney – “just keep swimming.”  and crush will always make me think of cameron – “dude.  mr turtle is my father.  i’m crush….  you got serious thrill issues dude!”  speaking of cameron, anyone out there know what he’s been up to?  he hasn’t posted in a month of christmases!

one of my favorite songs

I come into Your presence, with nothing in my hands
I only bring thanksgiving, for Jesus, God and man
I cast myself on mercy, I cast myself on love
I trust Your gracious promise, to wash me with Your blood

I will not feel Your judgement, for me no wrath I dread
For it was spent on Jesus, poured out upon His head
When Satan’s accusations make my pour heart afraid
I hear my King declaring, “Father, that debt is paid!”

Though I am pour and naked, Your prodigal come home
You place your robe upon me, Your holiness alone
Though I be dry and barren, by grace this love springs forth
Love for You and your kingdom, joy in Your glory, Lord

Jesus, my only hope, my only plea
My righteousness, my great high priest
Who intercedes for me, before the throne
Jesus, I trust in You alone

this was in the notes from a message on sovereign grace that CJ Mahaney gave at the Small Group Leader’s Conference a couple weeks back.  i thought it was good….

“After giving a brief survey of these doctines of sovereign grace, I asked for questions from the class.  One lady, in particular, was quite troubled.  She said, ‘This is the most awful thing I’ve ever heard!  You make it sound as if God is intentionally turning away men and women who would be saved, receiving only the elect.’  I answered her in this vein: ‘You misunderstand the situation.  You’re visualizing that God is standing at the door of heaven, and men are thronging to get in the door, and God is saying to various ones, “Yes, you may come, but not you, and you, but not you, etc.”  The situation is hardly this.  Rather, God stands at the door of heaven with His arms outstretched, inviting all to come.  Yet all men without exception are running in the opposite direction towards hell as hard as they can go.  So God, in election, graciously reaches out and stops this one, and that one, and this one over here, and effectually draws them to Himself by changing their hearts, making them willing to come.  Election keeps no one out of heaven who would otherwise have been there, but it keeps a whole multitude of sinners out of hell who otherwise would have been there.  Were it not for election, heaven would be an empty place, and hell would be bursting at the seams.  That kind of response, grounded as I believe it is in Scriptural truth, does put a different complexion on things, doesn’t it?  If you perish in hell, blame yourself, as it is entirely your fault.  But if you should make it to heaven, credit God, for that is entirely His work!  To Him alone belong all praise and glory, for salvation is all of grace, from start to finish.”  (Mark Webb, “What Difference Does it Make?”, Reformation & Revival Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 1994)

went shopping today!  found some overalls at Old Navy!  hooray!!  ::does little dance in her seat::  plus some long sleeved shirts.  mucho successo. 

going to spend the night with Raigan again.  this time we’re going to hang out in the hot tub, watch more alias and eat a delux, chocoloate-carmel-snickers-bar covered apple.  yum!  i love food.   

God is good.  and i am blessed far beyond what i deserve. 

currently consuming:  a chai tea latte from starbucks that my beloved friend raigan brought by the office for me!  and some crackers with peanut butter.  and some cottage cheese and blueberries.  i’m sort of grazing….

the cuteness factor is rather high today.  oh yes.  girls, i’m sure you all understand this concept.    wearing the new green polka dot scarf. 

the weekend is almost here!  yay!  i love weekends!  and this one holds lots of potential – tonight is my brother’s first basketball game of the season – GO RYAN!!  then i’m spending the night with raigan (who’s babysitting a family in our church for the weekend), and we’re going to watch more of Alias: Season 2 (woo-hoo!!).  then i’m going shopping with christina saturday morning.  old navy here we come!  i’m hoping to find some jeans and overalls and some long sleeved shirts.  saturday night is high school youth group.  definitely a fun place to be – hangin’ with the younger kids.  no clue what i’m doing on sunday.  maybe i’ll read some more.  i’m almost finished with Return of the King!  only a couple chapters left!  maybe i’ll make some cards…  i’ll probably just stay home and relax.  ooo, maybe i’ll do some baking!  tis the season for pumpkin bread…  isn’t it hilarious that our holidays revolve so heavily around food?  or rather, are defined and remembered and “traditioned” by food?  then again, i guess this isn’t really unique to our culture.  what is it with the human race and food?? 

okay, so what is everybody’s favorite fall/christmas holiday food??? 

(i couldn’t help it.  i busted out the christmas music.  yay!!!)

currently eating: cottage cheese with thawing raspberries

i was sick yesterday.  yuck.  mild fever and all the aches that go with it.  yuck.  i stayed home from work and slept and watched Legally Blonde 2 and The Winslow Boy.  Enjoyed both, for the most part.  i’m better now, though.  still have some residual aches in my ribcage, and a slightly foggy head, but no fever.  praise God.  and praise God for His kindness through being sick as well.  he granted me the gift of sleep several times during the day, and i have a wonderful mommy who took care of me.  having a mommy around when you’re sick is a great thing.  i don’t know what i’ll do when i get married.  hopefully i’ll marry a very compassionate man!    anyway… 

here’s a great chesterton quote:
Holbrook Jackson said, “Defintions put a limit to ideas; institutions put a limit to life.  So long as we recognise these two precepts, both definitions and institutions may be used with advantage.”

to which Chesterton replied, “Definitions are ideas.  A snake’s head and tail don’t ‘limit’ the snake.  They make him.”

gotta love Chesterton…

my heart’s cry

we resolve to know nothing else but Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
and Him crucified

we resolve to know nothing else but Jesus Christ
the Lamb of God
and our sacrifice

to come to God by grace alone
through faith alone
in His blood spilled for us
singing –

to God alone be glory,
to God alone be glory,
to God alone be glory,
to God alone be glory,
in Jesus Christ

we resolve to live for nothing else than Jesus Christ
to know the One who is our life

we resolve to live by nothing but Your word alone
Your strength alone, for Your will alone
to make our goal to please You alone
worship You alone, our God and our King
singing –

to God alone be glory
to God alone be glory
to God alone be glory
to God alone be glory
in Jesus Christ

currently eating: cold leftover pizza from papa johns

okay, stinky xanga for being down last friday!  i really needed to post that day!  it was a very special day.  so, let’s just pretend it is friday okay?

Friday, November 14, 2003
today is my brother Ryan’s 18th birthday!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!!  I LOVE YOU!! 

it was mucho exciting.  my brother has been teaching himself how to play guitar on an old guitar belonging to one of the guys in our church.  he’s done SOOO well at it, displaying diligence and initiative and creativity.  very cool.  so, for his birthday, i bought my brother a guitar!    yay!  it’s a very nice guitar that a (different) guy from our church picked out (’cause he knows a lot about guitars, so i asked him to find one) and got it for a killer price!  it’s a beauty.  and my brother was so excited!!  it was great! 

the 15th
saturday was a lovely relaxing day.  my plans to get together with a friend fell through so i just stayed home, washed the car, read, baked cookies, watched some TV, cleaned the Dr.’s office (that my family cleans every week), came home and cleaned up the kitchen, then watched the above-advertised movie and went to bed.  it was great.  i’d forgotten how much i enjoy simple days at home doing the domestic thing.  they’re wonderful!  i could seriously get used to doing that every day!  (hopefully one day i will! )

then, i got a delightful surprise!  i answered the phone and i hear this “andrea?”  to which i replied, “yes?” and then i heard, “this is jana”.  *squeal*  we talked for at least an hour about tons of stuff!  it was fabulous!  ah, sweet jana.  one of my dear friends and role models.  ::sigh::  i miss you.  thanks so much for calling!  that was so special!

the 16th
sunday my pastor preached an excellent sermon on 1 Cor. 13:4-7, talking about what Christian love is supposed to look/not look like, and how it is completely and radically different from the world.  one point that he made that was really good, was that in the world, love is based on worth.  it’s the “i will only love you if / i love you because you are worth loving, or you have something that is of value to me.”  whereas, Christian love is/should be “i love you because i have been shown the most amazing love by my Savior.  i will love you with no conditions.”  it was very good! 

sunday evening i spent some time with bethany – we got starbucks and than walked through Kohls ’cause i had yet to venture in there.  didn’t find anything, so we went to target and i found 3 wonderful treasures!  a dress scarf with green circles on it (very cute!), a navy blue chenile sweater, and a black sleeveless top that i can wear to work, etc.  i just love finding treasures at target!   

the 17th
oh, here’s a cool bit of information (particularly for girls):
“A wife of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.”  Proverbs 31:10
According to a gemologist at the New York Diamond Connection Inc., a very fine ruby would cost $40,000.00 per karat. 
If one karat wieghs about 5 grams, and there are 454 grams in a pound, use this formula to calculate your worth in fine rubies:
# of pounds x 454 (grams per pound) x $8,000 (price per gram)
At this price, a 130 pound woman would be worth $472,160,000.00 to her husband!!! 
And proverbs says that a wife of noble character is worth far more!  Isn’t that amazing? 

rainy days are romantic days, i’ve decided.  i’m not sure what it is, but there’s something very romantic about the rain.  i definitely get more sentimental and mushy on rainy days….