edit: make that three times….

twice.  it’s happened twice this morning.   and it’s only 9:30!

we have been interrupted by ‘the lady’ – you all know her – ‘the lady’
who lives inside wrong number phone calls, the self checkout at wal
mart, and our building’s fire alarm system. 

twice now she has informed us, with the lilting whoooo-up! of
the fire alarm that melodically accompanies her message, “there has
been a report of an emergency. proceed calmly to the nearest exit and leave the building immediately.” 

and nobody moves. 

although both times sussy has gasped and nearly sprung out of her seat.  lol

ah, the joys of construction…

forever God is faithful
forever God is strong
forever God is with us

grateful i am that God is faithful and unchanging forever… especially
when it feels like everything around me – projects, emotions, thoughts,
activities, phone calls – are changing and fluctuating by the moment!

i don’t really feel like myself today…  but i hope in the knowledge that God is never not himself! 

something i’ve been mulling over…

i read a question that got me thinking.  it wasn’t the potential answers to the question that made me think, but the question itself.  the question was:
“Are you happy, or at least content?”

it was the “at least” part that got me wondering…  is there a difference?  can you be content and not happy?  should you be content but not happy?  are the two not the same?  shouldn’t the two be the same?  i submit to you that they should.  i believe that the two terms, at least for the christian, ought to be synonymous.  think about it.  what really is contentment?  [again, i am posting here from a christian worldview and directing these thoughts toward my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ]  thomas watson (a puritan author) defines contentment as “that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every situation.” (The Art of Divine Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs)  i think the key word there is “delight.”  if you are truly happy with something, are you not also content?  why would the reverse not be true?  if you are truly content with something, are you not also happy?  i mean, how often do we find ourselves saying, “well, okay, I can be content with that.”  and what we’re really saying is “it’s not what I want, or what I would like the most, or what I think is best, but I’ll deal with it if that’s what it has to be.”  and we’re calling that contentment.  but really it’s not.  really we’re not happy with it, but we resolve to settle.  we make do.  and we consider that as the achievement of  some degree of contentment.  but stop and think about the God that we serve!  God is always working for our best.  for the Christian, God’s disposition toward us is one of love and favor, pouring out grace and mercy on us.  so when we “settle” or decide to just “be content” with what we’ve been dealt, instead of choosing to delight in what we’ve been given, we are really making a statement about what we believe about the very character of God.  if we say that we are content, it should be because our hearts are happy in God.  happiness and contentment should not be disassociated from each other.  and I’m not trying to play a semantics game here.  what I’m trying to get at is the heart behind the term.  what are we really saying?  what are we really believing? 

i was reading this morning in psalm 16 (one of my favorite passages!) and was reminded of this idea again by verse 6 – “the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”  if you look at the context of the whole psalm, the psalmist is not saying this because of his circumstances. there is no mention of circumstances in the entire psalm!  nor is there any mention of what the psalmist would prefer or wants.  no, he is able to make such a declaration because he knows that “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from You” (vs 2).  his contentment, his happiness at the lot and portion that God has lovingly dealt to him, are rooted in the character of God. 

just something I’ve been pondering…  thought I’d share…  J

my dear friend and beloved singles pastor’s wife, Tara, has posted on her blog more in depth about some issues/questions/challenges to the area of contentment.  you can check out her posts here.

ah yes, links.  the wretch shirt you can get at crosswalk.com here.

the movie quote shirt… um, some website whose name i can’t remember and whose link is on my computer at work.  and i’m posting from home.  sorry.  i’ll post that later.

a few of my favorite things:
– good clean comedy.  like brian regan.  i just got back from seeing him live at the dodge theatre.  pretty fun stuff.  if you ever have a chance to get your hands on his live album, it’s pretty good.  although ellen degeneres’ ‘here and now’ dvd (that you can actually rent from blockbuster) is still my favorite.  utter hilarity, i tell ya!
– driving home from somewhere, at night, on the freeway, with no traffic.  and you can just cruise. with good cruising music, of course. 

so i decided that i wanted to use my itunes gift card to buy the norah jones “come away with me” album.  except my itunes froze in the middle of downloading (or rather, i believe the technical term was “operation timed out” or something equally annoying) and now i have all the songs listed in my ‘purchased’ section of itunes, but they don’t work at all!  AND it still charged me for the album!  apparently this happened to my brother also, so i’m in the process of contacting itunes to get it fixed.  personally, i think it’s our home computer’s fault.  the thing has serious issues…


a friend sent me this shirt for my birthday!  if any of you know
me well, you’ll understand right away how hilariously appropo this
shirt is for andrea lambros….

and i’m planning to get this shirt for myself soon:

i like wal*mart.

i like french fries.

the mcdonald’s inside the super wal*mart up the street from the office was quite useful to me this afternoon.

i don’t like the ranch dressing at mcdonalds.  just stick with the
fries.  although, they aren’t as good as In-N-Out fries (“but
let’s not start on THAT one!” – can you name the movie? ).

i like coke.

mcdonald’s coke is okay.  chipotle still holds the top spot for best coke. 

i bought Alias season 1.  i got season 2 for christmas.  i
think season 3 is my favorite.  i’m slowly building the

in other news, i’ve discovered that having an ipod greatly increases my
tendency to listen to music that i haven’t listened to for years! 
i forgot i had it!  mostly stuff i grew up on, or listened to when i was young, so it’s
sentimental.  most of it shall remain unnamed (sorry, i’m not
humble enough to open myself up to that level of mockery), but i have
rediscovered Rebecca St James’ song “Everything I Do” from her very
first (self titled) album.  that song has since become my current

everything i do let it be in Your name
let it be for Your glory, let it be from You
everything I say let it be in Your name
let it be to Your glory, let it be for Your sake
’cause I want to please You
in everything I do


PS – thanks to everyone who called/emailed/txtmsgd/e-carded/wished me a happy birthday!  that meant a lot! 

i love it when my boss decides that he really wants starbucks. 

because he’s quite the fan of the “i’ll buy if you fly” method.

i am too.   

23 years today…

isn’t He good?

isn’t He kind?

hasn’t He blessed us

time after time?

isn’t He good?

all of our days?

with endless mercy

and ceaseless grace

oh let us sing

He is good!

in light of today, i thought i’d put up a few pictures. 
  i already posted most of these a couple months ago, but it
seems fitting to put them up again. 

23 years ago:

22 years ago:

20 years ago:

19 years ago:

17 years ago:

16 years ago:

12 years ago:

11 years ago:

last year:

last month:

what?!  how’d THAT get in there?!  oops…

ahem.  last month:
(ryan and i before the singles banquet)

last week:
(raigan and i at the singles retreat)

hasn’t He been good? 

this day
all His mercies are new
this day
every promise is true

(that’s what i woke up to this morning)