just keep swimming…  just keep swimming…

life is good! 

thanks to all of you who are aware of the busy week i’m in the midst of
and have been encouraging me and praying for me.  God has
definitely been at work and i am full of joy! 

I thought this was just fantastic…  Got it in an email forward…

Chair Philosophy

An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final exam after a
semester dealing with a broad array of topics. The class was already seated and
ready to go when the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk and
wrote on the board: “Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that
this chair does not exist.”

Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were
filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour
attempting to refute the existence of the chair. One member of the class
however, was up and finished in less than a minute.

Weeks later when the
grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how he could have gotten an A
when he had barely written anything at all. His answer consisted of two words:
“What chair?”
Hahaha!  Brilliant!  Gotta love that… 

that’s the 2nd time this week that i’ve gotten off the phone with
someone (who doesn’t know me – i was calling businesses) and they
called me “honey.”  do i really sound that young on the
phone?!  i mean, i know my voice goes up, especially when i’m
making an extra effort to be friendly, but seriously!   

i thought this was hilarious and witty.  and knowing how i love wit…


Washington Post Style Invitational Contest asked readers to rewrite some banal
instructions in the style of some famous writer.

The winning
entry was “The Hokey Pokey” song as if written by W. Shakespeare.

O proud
left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from Heavens yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the poke — banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, ’tis what it’s all about.

— by
William Shakespeare (Jeff Brechlin,
Potomac Falls)

i’m home from denver!  the wedding was lovely the reception was fun.  overall it was a really good weekend.  if you want details you can ask, but i don’t feel like attempting to articulate them all with xanga.  sorry!

and it’s that time again – when Alias begins to take over my life.    we are about 6 episodes into season 2 and i’m so hooked.  again.  i can’t wait to watch more. 

so, apparently i’ve been ‘tagged’ so here goes – my top 5 favorite songs at present:

in no specific order:

1 – Before There Was Time by Caedmon’s Call
2 – All I Ask of You from the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack
3 – Thy Mercy by Caedmon’s Call
4 – The Beauty & the Beast Soundtrack (yes, i’m cheating, get over it)
5 – Jesus My Only Hope by Sovereign Grace Ministries

now how does the rest of this go?  i’m supposed to ‘tag’ 5 other people to list out their 5 favorite songs currently?  okay…  how about Diana, W, Didi, Tara, and Sara  go!

i leave on Friday for Maryland!  as i was flying home from Denver yesterday and thinking ahead to this coming weekend, i wondered if this is how business people feel, you know – the ones who travel for their job.  or for that matter, how my own boss feels!  he does weekend trips all the time for this job.  as fun as they are (i travel for fun, not for business), i don’t think i could live that way…  i like home.  i like my family.  i like my friends.  i like my church.  i like arizona. 

i like it best right here. 

and it begins…

today i will be attending the first of the seven wedding run this fall. 

this day my friends Tim Payne and Callie Shaw shall be wed. 

and much wootage filled the land!

on another note…

raigan and i have had quite the adventure thus far.  the flight went by uber fast and the guy at Enterprise let us have our pick of cars in the lot (see what happens when you ask for a free upgrade?  of course, a cute face and a friendly smile don’t hurt either… ).  so we are currently driving a brand spankin’ new, light blue, pontiac grand prix.  and when i say brand spankin’ new, i mean as in, it only had 27 miles on it when we got it.  sweeeet. 

oh and note to the world – if you rent a car and they offer you full coverage on the car for and additional $20 a day – take it!  seriously, even if absolutely nothing happens to the car, just the peace of mind you have while driving it and knowing that any dings, scratches, etc that may occur will not affect your pocketbook or your insurance rates is completely worth the extra cost! 

praise God for a knowledgeable concierge at the hotel, who knew where a closer starbucks was than the one we were trying to find (but couldn’t – stupid mapquest!).  we rushed up to the door of the starbucks, praying they were still open till 11pm, with just minutes to spare – only to find that they were open until 11:30pm.  well, that’s good to know…. 

and we finished the 1st disc of alias, season 2.  four episodes – 3 of which we watched after midnight.    fun times!

and raigan says hi to y’all!

signing off from denver….

i bought this ^^ movie last night!  it’s a family favorite.   
and it’s so funny!

Sandecker: “he’s ignoring me!  he’s ig- EVERYONE’S ignoring me!” 

Rudi: “wait, I never took survival 101”

Dirk: “consider this your crash course”

Al: “it’s kind of pass/fail – which I always thought was

Dirk: “Al did you bring the explosives?”

Al: “Nah, didn’t have time.”

Dirk: “Al!”

Al: “I couldn’t find ‘em.”

Dirk: “AL!”

Rudi: “What’s a Panama?”

Al: “It’s a Navy thing.”

Rudi: “I didn’t know you were in Panama.”

Al: “We weren’t in Panama,
we were in

Rudi: “So why do you call it a Panama?”

Al: “Because we thought we were in Panama!” 

Al: “Dirk, can you give me a hand with my tie?  i can’t remember and it’s driving me NUTS.  something about a rabbit… going around a

three day weekends are so wonderful!

but they sure do hit ya like a ton ‘a bricks come Tuesday morning!  haha!

Hey Bandwagon!  Wait up!  I wanna jump on!   


Got this from Anna and Sussy… 


1. What is your dream occupation?  i dream of being in the home full time, but until then – my job now is totally my dream job (a secretary at the church office)

2. What color are your pants? pink and orange (they’re pajama pants i borrowed from a friend last night)

3. What are you listening to now? the hum of the computer… the click clack of the keys as i type…  it’s pretty quiet around here…
4. What was the last thing you ate? a chocolate chip cookie at caregroup last night.  homemade….  Mmmmm…..

5. Do you wish on stars? can’t say that i do… 

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? some shade of blue, i’m sure. 
7. How is the weather right now? bright and sunny!

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone?  my mom (when i called her last night to tell her i was coming home)

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? of course!  i love my co-workers!  they’re delightful friends of mine!

10. How old are you today? two-two!
11. Favorite drink? 
oh, i have many… from starbucks: iced venti 7 pump nonfat easy ice tazo chai tea latte; passion tea lemonade – with only 1″ of lemonade; carmel machiatto…  love jamba juice too…

12. Favorite sport to watch?  basketball – but only if my brother is playing/my dad’s coaching.  it’s not as much fun otherwise. 

13. Have you ever dyed your hair? dyed MY hair?  ME?  are you KIDDING?!?!?!
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? yes

15. Pets?  one yorkie that’s named BG; and one other dog that belongs to my brother that we joke is part sheep, part rabbit, part fox…  i’m not sure i want to claim kinship to her in any way….  lol
16. Favorite month? as far as whole months go, i’d have to say December “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

17. Favorite food?  chinese, italian

18. What was the last movie you watched? well, i slept through most of it, and left halfway through, but technically i watched Emma at Kierstyn’s house last night

19. Favorite day of the year? one single day?  how am i supposed to choose a favorite out of 365.  i give up…
20. What do you do to vent anger?
 talk it out; talk to myself and try not to listen to myself – either with mom, or unless i’m mad at her, alone with God
21. What was your favorite toy as a child?
probably my American Girl doll, or my doll, Sasha
22. Fall or Spring? oooo…  fall has so many wonderful foods associated with it, but spring is so bright and cheery.  ::sigh:: i can’t decide.  i always so look forward to both.
23. Are your friends important to you? absolutely!

24. Cherry or Blueberry? bleck.  i’ll take strawberry or raspberry
27. Is there some fascinating explanation for the lack of questions 25 or 26? i’ll just make them up! here we go:

25.  Planes, trains, or automobiles?  for long distance travel – planes definitely.  trains are a grand experience, and road trips are an adventure to be sure! 

26. Lord of the Rings trilogy or Chronicles of Narnia? Chronicles of Narnia!!! 
28. Living arrangements?
a house?

29. When was the last time you cried? i got teary-eyed watching Kierstyn open presents last night and thinking about what an amazing young lady she is and how beautiful she’s become

30. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes… a suitcase… or two…

31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? that is currently still my friend?  probably Bethany.  maybe Christina.  but i don’t see her very often…
32. What did you do last night? caregroup, went over to Kierstyn’s bday party

33. Favorite smell? coffee, faint hint of tea tree oil, rain

34. What inspires you? worship songs

35. What are you afraid of? losing the trust of someone i love, care about, respect, admire, etc.

36. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? cheese all the way!

37. Favorite car? Affordable: Hyundai Santa Fe; Dream: forest green Ford Explorer Sport Trac

38. Favorite animal? dogs

39. Number of keys on your key ring? um…  lemme count…  car, work, house…  cyndi’s house, raigan’s old car…  i think that’s it…
40. How many years at your current job? 5 in December
41. Favorite day of the week? of the work week: Wednesday; of the weekend: Saturday (:gasp:  she didn’t say Sunday!  she’s a heathen!)

42. How many states have you lived in? uno

43. How many cities have you lived in? 5 if you count all the suburbs of phx (tucson, phx, tempe, mesa, chandler, gilbert); only 2 if you just count the major cities – tucson and phx


and i must say – this new rich text upgrade is uber cool!!!